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createInstance - Implementation

Since createForm is exported, you can reuse it across your application in any form by simply importing it and creating the form components.

Now, using createForm, define your Zod schema and render the form using forwardFormContext with your custom components.

Define Form Schema and Render Form

import { z } from 'zod';
import { createForm } from './helpers'; // Import your createForm(the one that is returned by createInstance)
const { forwardFormContext, CustomInput, CustomTextarea } = createForm({
// Define form schema with Zod
zodSchema: z.object({
first_name: z.string(),
middle_name: z.string(),
last_name: z.string(),
bio: z.string(),
// To render the form
// Wrap your form component with forwardFormContext.
// The component will received a second parameter (ctx) -
// making the react-hook-form's methods like handleSubmit, watch, etc., accessible within your form.
const App = forwardFormContext((_, ctx) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={ctx.handleSubmit((values) => console.log(values))}>
// The returned `Custom Field Components` from createForm are type-safe based on the zodSchema provided.
// The name prop will only accept values defined in the Zod schema.
// Now the Usage of CustomInput and CustomTextarea component will be like as below.
<CustomInput name="first_name" /> {/* Valid */}
<CustomInput name="middle_name" /> {/* Valid */}
<CustomInput name="last_name" /> {/* Valid */}
<CustomInput name="address" /> {/* Invalid; Type error: 'address' is not in the schema */}
<CustomTextarea name="bio" /> {/* Valid */}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
export default App;

What is the ctx object?

Other createForm returns